(AppleScript+macOS) Maybe The Only Working Applescript For Toggling Grayscale And Inverting Colors On macOS Sierra In The World

2021-04-16: Here is one in JavaScript.


Toggle Grayscale

tell application "System Preferences"
  set the current pane to pane id "com.apple.preference.universalaccess"
  delay 1 # needs time to open universal access
  tell application "System Events" to tell process "System Preferences" to tell window "Accessibility"
    tell scroll area 2 to tell table 1 to tell row 6 #open display preferences
    end tell
    click checkbox "Use grayscale"
  end tell
end tell

tell application "System Preferences" to quit

# Sierra: System Preferences -> Accessibility -> Display -> Use grayscale

Invert Colors

tell application "System Preferences"
  set the current pane to pane id "com.apple.preference.universalaccess"
  delay 1 # needs time to open universal access
  tell application "System Events" to tell process "System Preferences" to tell window "Accessibility"
    tell scroll area 2 to tell table 1 to tell row 6 #open display preferences
    end tell
    click checkbox "Invert colors"
  end tell
end tell

tell application "System Preferences" to quit

# Sierra: System Preferences -> Accessibility -> Display -> Invert colors


Run them from the command line. Maybe make your screen black and white at night or invert colors for screencasts or working in sunligh.

alias togglegrayscale=’osascript /Users/gcr/util/sspadtogglegrayscale.scpt’
alias invertcolors=’osascript /Users/gcr/util/sspadtogglecolors.scpt’

(Emacs+Org-Mode) Close Magit-Process Related Buffers When They Become Obselete

My old Magit setup left a bunch of buffers around that I didn’t need anymore. Here is the posted solution to close them automatically:

(defun help/magit-kill-buffers ()
  "Restore window configuration and kill all Magit buffers.
Attribution: URL `https://manuel-uberti.github.io/emacs/2018/02/17/magit-bury-buffer/'"
  (let ((buffers (magit-mode-get-buffers)))
    (mapc #'kill-buffer buffers)))
(bind-key "q" #'help/magit-kill-buffers magit-status-mode-map)

(Emacs+Org-Mode) A Literate LS

I can never remember what parameters I want for ls so I made an alias for it. I still couldn’t remember them so I copy and pasted the documentation into a literate document and tangle that into a function to do what I want:

Continue reading “(Emacs+Org-Mode) A Literate LS”

(Emacs+Org-Mode) Quickly Figure Out How To Write A Function By Decompiling A Macro Using It

When I can’t figure out how to write a function to do what I want then I record a macro of what I want to do and then “decompile” it to Elisp using elmacro. This is a super-power package if you want to figure out how something works.

(Emacs+Org-Mode) Don't Dash Your Hopes Of Utilizing Dashes

You’ve got Unicode and Emacs so take advantage of the 3 kinds of dashes available to every writer. Here is how with a little detail you might find pretty useful totally unrelated to dashes!

Continue reading “(Emacs+Org-Mode) Don't Dash Your Hopes Of Utilizing Dashes”

(Emacs+Org-Mode) Migrate From Ido To Ivy In One Quick Step

After avoiding migrating from Ido to Ivy for years I put in the time today. Long story short it was simple, fast, and easy. Here is the micro version of what it took:

Continue reading “(Emacs+Org-Mode) Migrate From Ido To Ivy In One Quick Step”