(Happiness) Most Pain Is Caused My Carelessness

Workout too much or too little.

Have fun too often or too little.

Vent too much or too little.

A sense of wonder about how we live, its impact on our happiness, courage to wonder about possibilities, and willingness to play around with making a different approach in life can alleviate some of that pain. Quickly.

(macOS) Manage Multiple Snippets Of Copied Text With Your Clipboard With Flycut

After using it for a few days I already love it.

Personal examples:

  • I have a document open, and I want copy a few parts from it, into an email. But I don’t want to have to command-tab between the document and the email. So I just comand-c… and then go to my email. I do that all the time.
  • When I care about something that I am reading, a phrase, a word, and I want to remember it… maybe. So, the copy buffer is persistent, and I can go back anytime and look up what I may wanted to use.

Flycut: It’ll Remember It For You (but not Wholesale ).

If you are an Emacser you’ll instantly know and love this as a macOS Kill Ring.

Security concern: persisting sensitive information in your clipboard like this, it is easy to forget about it. Fortunately Flycut doesn’t copy values from password fields. Additionally it keeps it’s data local to your computer never sharing it between your other computers or devices. However, it is just like any other security concern so be careful what you keep in there.

(Hardware) Best Inexpensive Monitor Ever

Last year I searched for a monitor with these attributes:

  • 23-inch
  • Great color and bright from all angles easy for all-day viewing
  • Cables: HDMI, DVI, and VGA
  • Inexpensive because of the obvious and also the possibility of building a 2×2 monitor grid

The ASUS VS239H-P 23-Inch Full HD 1920×1080 IPS HDMI DVI VGA Back-lit LED Monitor is my winner: it meets all of the criteria.

It is easy to use and looks great. One year old it still is selling well. It is an easy purchase because 8,299 owners ranked it a 4.5/5 so I’m not alone here.

Now join the club.

Chai Pro Tools: Ginger Grater And Peeler

Avoid Most Bash Errors Pretty Much By Quoting Everything, And More Best Practices

This page shows common errors that Bash programmers make. These examples are all flawed in some way.

You will save yourself from many of these pitfalls if you simply always use quotes and never use WordSplitting for any reason! Word splitting is a broken legacy misfeature inherited from the Bourne shell that’s stuck on by default if you don’t quote expansions. The vast majority of pitfalls are in some way related to unquoted expansions, and the ensuing word splitting and globbing that result.

All of us have fallen into one of these pits.

Why not use Python instead? 🙂

Oh yea, non-interactive shells ?.

More on Quotes and Word Splitting.