Anybody Miss The Kill-Ring When They Use Their Host OS

Here “Host OS” means the operating system on which you run Emacs.

When I use my host OS by muscle memory I try to use the Kill Ring just like I do in Emacs and then I get a painful surprise: I have to copy everything that I need somewhere else and then copy it back. Yuck. Can you recommend a solution for this on macOS?

browse-kill-ring makes the kill ring really easy to use.

If You Have An Org-Mode Problem Then You've Probably Got It Installed Twice

If you have an org-mode problem then you’ve probably got it installed twice. Here are two examples where I always get into trouble:

  • I run from source, this is impossible
    • It is possible because some package listed Org-Mode as a dependency
  • I run only from the Org-Mode package
    • It is possible because some other package listed Org-Mode as a dependency
  • Sometimes a reference to org-plus-contrib can shake things up because it “works fine for a while… and then doesn’t”

The errors are usually cryptic, to the lazy like me, and not worth investigating because they are fake errors.

(Packet Modem) Dire Wolf Is A Software Tnc/Aprs

Dire Wolf is a software “soundcard” AX.25 packet modem/TNC and APRS encoder/decoder. It can be used stand-alone to observe APRS traffic, as a tracker, digipeater, APRStt gateway, or Internet Gateway (IGate). For more information, look at the bottom 1/4 of this page and in

(Go Lang) Hopwatch, A Debugging Tool For Go

Hopwatch is a simple tool in HTML5 that can help debug Go programs. It works by communicating to a WebSockets based client in Javascript. When your program calls the Break function, it sends debug information to the browser page and waits for user interaction. Using the functions Display, Printf or Dump (go-spew), you can log information on the browser page. On the hopwatch page, the developer can view debug information and choose to resume the execution of the program.

Exporting Tables With Borders

This page explains how to configure exported tables borders either with the variable org-html-table-default-attributes, which is ignored with HTML5 export, or properties.

The default table export doesn’t include borders and it is difficult to read.

Continue reading “Exporting Tables With Borders”

(Go Lang) The Ultimate Programmer Chef Language Or If You Read One Article About Go Then Read This One

Is Go Lang worth learning or not? I wanted to know. These were my steps for making (up) and answer. It was a rough but short road for me. I determined that I like it and that determination shocked me. It totally went against my intuition (which proves nothing). My wrong-ness surprised and delighted me. And inspired me to capture both my conclusion and the process. That is what follows.

Continue reading “(Go Lang) The Ultimate Programmer Chef Language Or If You Read One Article About Go Then Read This One”