Brené Brown on Joy: It's Terrifying

  • YouTube
  • Joy requires gratitude
  • Joy is the most terrifying thing that humans experience
  • “When we lose our tolerance for vulnerability, joy becomes forboding”
    • “We try to beat vulnerability to the punch”
  • “I know because I’m fixing to meet Oprah, I’m going to die” lolol
  • “We’re trying to dress rehearse tragedy so we can beat vulnerability to the punch”
  • When happy people feel that, they practice gratitude to defeat that fear
  • “In a culture of scarcity, we are always searching for extraordinary when the truth is” (that we truly love the ordinary sweet things about our life)

Interruptions During Meditation Practice Are Gifts

When you get serious about your meditation practice you will surely encounter external interruptions you had never before imagined. Your first reaction will be frustration and anger at them. That is fine and it is normal. The fun comes when you take these interruptions as an opportunity for expansion.

Turn them into your practice. Take the critical phone call about the issue that everyone will forget tomorrow. Tell the kids playing in the hallway to have fun and to be careful not to trip. Come to think of it, those interruptions seem pretty typical. It is your reaction to it that is atypical; that is what contains the magic.