SVG is a markup language for describing two-dimensional graphics applications and images, and a set of related graphics script interfaces.

That is probably one of the “understatements of the century” kind of things. At least, it would appear that way to folks like myself who have never worked with such things (nor had the need to hand-code Postscript as seemingly many others have).
The fact that full access to the document is provided for the HTML container and is entirely accessible both to and from JavaScript makes this a quite amazing computational/visual platform.

How To Choose A Font

Every computer-user has a different strategy for choosing the best font for long periods working at the computer. They all involve many metrics, strategies, and rubrics. Based on that, they are probably all wrong. Well not really, they are right based upon experience, and experience is really all that matters.

I was curious about whether my experience had any basis in reality, and I really wanted to dig into what is the “right way” to choose a font for any particular user or situation. The following are notes and ultimately a decision on what is the best for me. Hopefully the notes alone are revealing and help you reach your own conclusion, too. At the very least you ought to be educated, informed, and probably surprised, too, about some of the factors involved in font selection.

This might be interesting for programmers, UX people and probably every computer user out there.

What’s the most readable font for the screen?

  • Serifs are tips for the reader’s eyes for flow.
  • San-serifs are better for low-res.
  • Simultaneously states that is no difference between serif and san-serif.
  • Rec: Helvetica/Arial
  • Comment recommendations:
  • Designed for digital, Hermann Zapf’s Optima, or as a backup Verdana
  • Designed for digital, Open Sans
  • Both, Calibri
  • San-serifs are easier on the eyes as you get older, citing retinal tears specifically

Time to change your fonts

  • Designed for screen: Verdana, Trebuchet MS, and (the serif) Georgia.
  • Easy to read, available on virtually all machines.
  • Let go of times new roman, Arial, and Helvetica.
  • Traditionally a serif font was used for the main body of a document, and sans-serif for headings. Today, those principles are often reversed.

The Best Fonts to Use in Print, Online, and Email

  • Popular serif fonts are Times New Roman, Palatino, Georgia, Courier, Bookman and Garamond.
  • Some popular San Serif fonts are Helvetica, Arial, Calibri, Century Gothic and Verdana.
  • It’s been said that serif fonts are for “readability,” while sans-serif fonts are for “legibility.”
  • Best fonts for online: go with sans-serif.
  • 2002 study by the Software Usability and Research Laboratory:
  • The most legible fonts were Arial, Courier, and Verdana.
  • At 10-point size, participants preferred Verdana. Times New Roman was the least preferred.
  • At 12-point size, Arial was preferred and Times New Roman was the least preferred.
  • The preferred font overall was Verdana, and Times New Roman was the least preferred.
  • For easiest online reading, use Arial 12-point size and larger. If you’re going smaller than 12 points, Verdana at 10 points is your best choice. If you’re after a formal look, use the font “Georgia.” And for older readers, use at least a 14-point font.
  • Dr. Ralph F. Wilson, an e-commerce consultant, did a series of tests in 2001. He also came to the conclusion that the sans-serif fonts are more suited to the computer screen.Some of the highlights of the test results were that at 12 points, respondents showed a preference for Arial over Verdana – 53% to 43% (with 4% not being able to distinguish between the two).Two-thirds of respondents found that Verdana at 12 points was too large for body text, but Verdana at 10 points was voted more readable than Arial at 10 points by a 2 to 1 margin.In conclusion, for the best font readability, use Arial 12 point or Verdana at 10 points and 9 points for body text. For headlines, he suggests using larger bold Verdana.
  • Comments: Good.
  • My comments: no links to cited papers

Which font is the most comfortable for on-screen viewing?

  • Post: Advice to use san-serif is outdated and inappropriate for today’s high resolution screens. San-serif or not is irrelevant; instead the measure of success is to use a large font that was specifically designed for on-screen usage. For inspiration, look at the free fonts listed at the Google Web Fonts directory, especially Vollkorn or the Droid Serif font which was particularly developed with small font size in mind.
  • GCR: That post is confusing because he later explains that we are not there yet, but rather getting close.
  • Post: Sans-serif are best for on-screen.


  • No comment

Droid Serif

  • No comment

Font readability

  • Legibility refers to being able to read a text in bad conditions. “Legibility is concerned with the very fine details of typeface design, and in an operational context this usually means the ability to recognize individual letters or words. Readability however concerns the optimum arrangement and layout of whole bodies of text”
  • Studies that contrast serif vs. non-serif fonts seem to be controversial.
  • There are some ground rules one can find, like:
    • Don’t make long lines nor too long paragraphs
    • Use wide fonts such as Palatino or Verdana for small fonts
    • Use spaces between lines, e.g. about 1.2 at least. E.g. in Word 2007,
  • 1.15 is the default I believe. to be controversial.
  • Sans serif: Verdana (a humanist font) or Arial
  • Serif: Georgia
  • Some references for studies and research done on fonts.
  • “two roles for type: a functional role (relating to legibility) and an aesthetic/semantic role, which impacts the “apparent ‘fitness’ or ‘suitability’ for different functions, and which imbue it with the power to evoke in the perceiver certain emotional and cognitive response” (p. 38)””
  • In her study: Calibri came out as a winner against Courier New and Curlz.
  • GCR: Very exciting and interesting with good links

The Effect of Typeface on the Perception of Email

  • People take Calibri seriously via this study.

Know Your Typefaces! Semantic Differential Presentation of 40 Onscreen Typefaces

  • Study showing how people emotionally react to certain fonts.

The Academic Evidence Base for Typeface Readability

  • Study.
  • Young people like serif; older like sans-serif.

Bibliography on font readability

  • Links to papers on font readability.

Best Fonts for the Web

  • Serif: Georgia. It was designed especially for screen. Other options are listed.
  • Sans-Serif: Tahoma. Geneva, Tahoma, and Verdana were designed especially for the screen. Tahoma in particular is cited for legibility. Another pick: Lucida Sans Unicode: Cited as remarkably legible for some reason.
  • Monospaced: Monaco/Lucida Console.
  • GCR: Great article.

A Comparison of Two Computer Fonts: Serif versus Ornate Sans Serif

  • Another study, unsure what to conclude from it.

A Comparison of Popular Online Fonts: Which Size and Type is Best?

  • Excellent details.
  • Tahoma and Verdana, sans-serifs, were designed specifically for viewing on computer screens. J, I, and 1 were made distinguishable. Tahoma is wider than Verdana.
  • Great article but leaves so many questions and stuff unanswered and explored.

A Comparison of Popular Online Fonts: Which is Best and When?

  • Big fonts generally don’t matter and are easy to read.
  • Tahoma is well-read.
  • Verdana and Georgia have good legibility.
  • Whole other range of evaluations: personality, elegant, youthful and fun, business-like,
  • Most legible: Courier, Comic, Verdana, Georgia, and Times.


  • Ideals
    • Current state of technology along with aging-eyes means that sans-serif is the best option
    • Emacs suggest mono-spaced fonts for coding
    • Experienced teaches me that Unicode support is mandatory
  • Matching
    • Prefer fonts that focus on legibility over emotional evocation
    • Results: Verdana, Calibri, Tahoma, Lucida Sans Unicode, Lucida Sans
    • Console
  • Notes: Best Unicode Fonts for Programming
  • DejaVu Sans Mono: best Unicode support
  • Based on Andale Mono, a monospaced san-serif designed for coding
  • What are the best programming fonts?
  • Tons of coding related fonts. Why not for reading?!
  • Source Code Pro is highest ranked, then Consolas, and Monaco
  • Font Survey: 42 of the Best Monospaced Programming Fonts
  • The options, although only 42, are insanely overwhelming.
    • Comments
    • There isn’t a ton of digestible info available on Unicode support for the fonts that I listed.
      • I am recalling now that my original selection of DejaVu Sans Mono was specifically for its excellent Unicode support; specifically that it had better support than Lucida Console which is monospaced but lacked characters and looks at least as nice.
  • Seems like it is just haphazard and quasi-scientific how people are choosing fonts; and maybe even designing them.
  • Founds evidence that Lucida is just fine for display; and thus DejaVu Sans Mono is fine for display.


  • DejaVu Sans Mono is the best available font for computer work.

Personal approach for collecting Emacs usage statistics advice?

Lately I’ve been curious whether or not my actual Emacs keymapping usage actually reflects how I think I use it. What I mean is that I have a goal of mapping frequently used operations to easily-accessible keybindings on the keyboard. What I plan to do is to record my usage so that I can study it to find mapping decisions that I got right, and wrong, and also identify things that I use that I should be mapping closer to home.
The simplest approach would be to use a keylogger, or advice inside of Emacs.
What I am curious about is your approach if you had done, or would do, something like this, and your thoughts an ideas.
In my case I lay out my mappings for how far away from home they are, and that has worked well so far, but I would like some numbers to back up that claim though it is not too serious depending upon how you look at it.
Cross posted from help-gnu-emacs

Simple in-document generation with org-mode

org-mode’s literate programming (Babel) functionality is amazing. The limitation in my case is me, not the tool. The power and abstraction just aren’t something that you think about it for a document. While I suppose that is the whole point of LP, it does just take time for it to sink in, and experience. That said, this example is nice.
Clearly generating a headline is something you may do once, and probably not very often, so would perhaps be more likely just use a macro definition. When I see how simple this is though, the idea of using macros really goes out the window because this is far easier and simpler and much more powerful. Here is a simple example:

* Code
#+name: hname
#+header: :exports none
#+begin_src emacs-lisp
"Hello, world."
* call_hname()[:results raw]

Produces this:

1 Code
2 Hello, world.

The difference between org-ref and org-bibtex

In case you were wondering, here is an answer:

Some features could be merged, but there is an important difference in that org-ref uses bibtex as the backend database, and reftex for searching, and org-bibtex uses org-mode headings as the backend database, and tag/property searches (I think). It is like the difference between org-contacts and bbdb. They both serve similar needs, but with different data sources, and different ways to think about it.

Both approaches are quite nice. Sometimes it seems easier to be able to share the original, not exported, database with folks even though technically it makes no difference what is the system or origin for that data!