Yet Another Ag Hydra

(defhydra help/hydra/ag (:color blue
                                :hint nil)
`ag', The Silver Searcher:
  Present in window:
    Search in folder:
      _j_ limit search by file type _k_ search in everything
    Search in project:
      _l_ limit search by file type _;_ search in everything
  Present in dired:
    Search in folder:
      _u_ limit search by file type _i_ search in everything
    Search in project:
      _o_ limit search by file type _p_ search in everything
    _n_ close every other buffer _m_ close every buffer _q_ quit
  ("u" ag-dired-regexp)
  ("i" ag-dired)
  ("o" ag-project-dired-regexp)
  ("p" ag-project-dired)
  ("j" ag-files)
  ("k" ag)
  ("l" ag-project-files)
  (";" ag-project)
  ("n" ag-kill-other-buffers)
  ("m" ag-kill-buffers)
  ("q" nil))

Org-Mode Documents Can Generate PDFs Which Include Any Data Including Themselves

This Org-Mode document

#+LATEX_HEADER: \usepackage{attachfile}
Jon this is an Org-Mode file which generated a PDF which contains itself.

Generates this pdf that contains itself. Open it with Adobe Acrobat (or some other tool that can handle embedded files).

You can include any data you want inside a PDF using attachfile and it is easy to extract that data.

It is a toy example but you can script everything to work with embedded data in PDF.

Continue reading “Org-Mode Documents Can Generate PDFs Which Include Any Data Including Themselves”

Consider C-s Or M-s For Key Bindings Because There Is A Lot Of Space In There

As key-binding name-spaces start to run out due to the massive expansion of packages out there today consider the C-s and the M-s name-spaces. Clicking around on my keyboard they don’t seem to be used much if at all. There is probably a reason for that and I’m going to ignore it because I want more name-space free for key-bindings.

Just Because I Believe It Doesn't Mean It's True Or Good To Do

Just because I believe it doesn’t mean it’s true. The more I test this out the more I am surprised. Now my state of surprise proves nothing. Sometimes I love getting surprised for example when someone secretly made me a chocolate cake. But when my car battery unexpectedly died and I’m late for an important appointment then I get mad about it. Well either way I was surprised but I believed that one surprise was good and one surprise was bad.

Continue reading “Just Because I Believe It Doesn't Mean It's True Or Good To Do”

Using Org-Mode For Disqus Comments

The Disqus commenting system is used on 2/5 blogs out there today. So I was pretty happy to discover today that Disqus allows tags within comments. The cool thing is that for Org-Mode users to post rich Disqus comments it probably just means doing an Export to HTML as HTML buffer and pasting the results into the comment box.

Ease Is Your Natural Emotional State

Is courageous exhausting? Is kindness exhausting? Is creativity exhausting?

Ease is your natural state. You were born with it. You were sent to Earth with it. However you got here, it is your right and privilege.

Exhaustion is an alarm blaring out to you as you drift away from your natural state.

It is never too late to hear it and do something about it immediately.

The Half-Life Of Feelings

Half-life is the time required for a quantity to reduce to half its initial value.

Imagine taking a banana and cutting it in half. And in half again. And in half again and so on until you are left with invisible to you banana molecules. That is when the banana is “gone”. How long does it take for our feelings to be gone?

Are they real? Are they physical? How long should we keep them around? If we stop looking at them do they disappear? Do we carry them on a pedestal or inside of a garbage bag?

For some of us the half-life of bad feelings is so long that they never seem to go away. For others the half-life is non-existent. The bad feelings come but don’t stay very long. For some of us same goes for good feelings.

What is the nature of those feelings?