Our teachers who we love deeply in our hearts aren’t there for us to put them in our pocket and carry around forever. But there is something that stays with us. They gave us everything and expected nothing. They shared something infinite with us that wasn’t even theirs to share, yet they shared it. How do you thank them for that? You can’t. But you can do something thankful about it. That is where your conscience steps in with that answer you seek.
Author: grant
Ever Wonder Where That GPL'D Source Code Got That Nice Header?
Fix For When Bash Can’t Find Its Debugger On macOS
Sometimes Bash needs its debugger but it can’t find it. It looks like this:
/usr/share/bashdb/bashdb-main.inc: No such file or directory -bash: warning: cannot start debugger
For example when you start bashdb
yourself with bash --debugger
or set shopt -s extdebug
. Another example is when your terminal turns it on.
Here is the fix that worked on my box:
brew install bashdb
bashhome=$(brew –prefix bash)
bdbhome=$(brew –prefix bashdb)
ln -s $bdbhome/share/bashdb $bashhome/share/bashdb
unset bashhome
unset bdbhome
Can Run Emacs But Can't Compile Org-Mode After Upgrading ImageMagick With Solution
Today on my box I upgraded ImageMagick and now I can’t compile Org-Mode but I can run Emacs. Here is what I did to make Org-Mode build again on my box.
How Come I Don't Pray Before Every Bite?
Today I prepare a snack: biscuits with strawberry jam and whipped. They were great however they don’t go with chai. Before I ate I didn’t say a prayer. After I ate I wondered “Why don’t I say a prayer before every snack, too? They are all pretty special. Life is special it is amazing and astounding.” Well, thank goodness for the food that helps make it either heaven or hell.
Inviting Non Programmers To Emacs: (A) Super Text Editor
When my friends look at my computer screen I want to invite them to use Emacs. But the name “Emacs”, like Honda or Maserati tells them nothing. Honda and Maserati have advertising everywhere though! So I set a frame title that tells them something about this program! Well, they probably have to like text editors already. And if they do, then they might be interested in a Super text editor.
BTW: I am totally serious about this. I want to invite my friends to use this. Programmers or not, Emacs is still Free Software and that matters for everyone. And I find Emacs to be super. It is super. You and I know that it’s power comes from Lisp and buffers but “Super Text Editor” also works for me.
(setq frame-title-format '("" "%b - Super Text Editor "))
Two Ways To Share Static Key Pair Values Across Different Tangled Source Files With Org-Mode Literate Programming
This post asks about how you can share static key pair values across different tangled source files. The following are my two tries.
The Narmada River: From East To West
Via Wikipedia:
The Narmada, also called the Rewa, is a river in central India and the fifth longest river in the Indian subcontinent. It is the third longest river that flows entirely within India, after the Godavari, and the Krishna. It is also known as “Life Line of Madhya Pradesh” for its huge contribution to the state of Madhya Pradesh in many ways. It forms the traditional boundary between North India and South India and flows westwards over a length of 1,312 km (815.2 mi) before draining through the Gulf of Khambhat into the Arabian Sea, 30 km (18.6 mi) west of Bharuch city of Gujarat.[3]
It is one of only three major rivers in peninsular India that run from east to west (longest west flowing river), along with the Tapti River and the Mahi River. It is one of the rivers in India that flows in a rift valley, flowing west between the Satpura and Vindhya ranges.
Hatha Yoga Is Easier With Long Pants
Today it dawned on me that Hatha yoga is easier with long pants.
Thank you for letting me join all of you who knew this already.
Your Starting Point? There Is Nothing Wrong With You
Your starting point? There is nothing wrong with you.