Vishoka Meditation Calendar File

The Vishoka Meditation The Yoga of Inner Radiance seminar begins tomorrow.

There are 15 events so I put them all into a calendar. Then I exported them into an ICS file.

You should be able to import it into Google, Outlook, Mac Mail, and iCloud Mail. It will probably save you some time from typing them all into your calendar manually yourself.

Here is the file:

Vishoka Meditation.calendar

Are There Lessons From Homeopathy For Addressing COVID-19?

Here is an interesting and quite compact article both celebrating World Homeopathy Day and pondering the origins of the approach and how they might serve the world in addressing COVID-19 today.

Homeopathy inspires enthusiastic reactions from both extremes of the spectrum and whatever you think about it you’ll find that its core tenets are quit conservative and can be applied to every aspect of your life.

Now is the time to collect every tool possible to help you, your family, friends, community, nation, and world step as gracefully and pleasantly as possible forward. Keep at it we are in it together.

A Selfie-Station For Video Conferencing Convenience

The Covid-19 mitigation procedures of social distancing and self quarantine have thrust many of us into an unexpected isolation. It is surprising and at times can be very unpleasant. Fortunately one the easiest ways to feel a little better is to re-connect with people and internet video conferencing makes that easy.

When you set up a nice video conferencing station it makes it easy to connect, more fun, and effortless. Now is the time to make easy things easier, hard things a little more pleasant, and impossible things possible. Starting with a better video conference setup, as silly as it might sound is one way to get started.

There are lots of video conferencing platforms out there and they all seem to work fine (I’m a Zoom devotee if you are wondering) so I’m not writing about them. What I want to share is one example of making your experience pleasant and even fun, in particular with your smartphone

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Embrace Your Unrelenting Honesty

When you honestly share with someone that they were sent here perfect born here perfect are immutably perfect no matter what anybody says thinks or does including themselves it is a durable consistent resilient sustainable undeniable self-evident truth that demands to be shared as quickly as often as loud repeatedly as your voice permits whispered spoken shouted from the streets rooftops hills Internet forums signals out into space no matter what may come of it standing 100% behind it with all your willful determination energy enthusiasm now. You believe it. Share it now. Why not? Why wait?

Movement as Medicine?

Preemptive happiness management means doing it before you get miserable. But hey if you are like most of us you only do the work after you can’t tolerate the misery anymore (seconds/minutes/hours/days/months/years) lol. This seminar is about the best easiest most efficient way to feel good again and what it does is gives you some momentum. You take it home with you. Use it to build the next thing and next thing. Your foundations gets stronger. You end up having more interesting things in life surprising things. Then visit again :).

Here is a video introduction and here are the details.

Movement as Medicine works?

Yes absolutely.

Dr. Theresa Oswald, MD is the real deal. Absolutely worth your time money attention and every resource you value.

Hope you have a great trip.